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Year 5

Welcome our Year 5 webpage.  We have three classes in the year group and these are taught by Miss Patterson, Miss Lewis and Miss Clark. We have some lovely teaching assistants called , Mrs Bellanti, Mrs Prusewicz and Mrs Ince.

The highlight of our week is when we all take part in music lessons. We are being taught how to play the steel pans by the skilled staff of  Culture Mix Arts.  We are also lucky enough to have specialist PE coaches, who come in and do our PE with us.

Our day consists of a maths and literacy lesson in the morning and topic lessons in the afternoon. This year we are studying Brazil and China in our geography lessons. In our History lessons we are learning all about the Anglo Saxons.

Please visit our subject pages to see the curriculum for each area of the curriculum.


  • Open Mornings

    Calcot Infant School will be holding open mornings over the next couple of months to enable prospective families to view the school and get a taste of what our amazing school can offer.

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  • OFSTED 2023

    Our schools were inspected in 2023 and both schools were recognised for their excellent drive to provide children with an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. It was commented upon that as pupils move through the school, there is a wealth of opportunities to enrich their lives, including lunchtime, after-school clubs, arts and sporting events.

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