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Who to contact at school?

 Successful learning relies on excellent communication between children, parents/carers and staff.  If you have any concerns please refer to the table below to find the right person to help you resolve any difficulties or answer any questions you might have.

We hope these guidelines will ensure you know who and how best to contact someone at school about a concern that you would like to discuss. Approaching the right member of school staff will mean that we can deal with your enquiry more effectively. If you do not feel that your question or concern has been answered or resolved satisfactorily via the route recommended, please contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governing Body via the school office or by email.


 Contact Information

Infant School Office: 01189 418189  

Junior School Office: 01189 428727 


Please email the school offices if you wish to contact the following members of staff:


Mrs F Rostron, Headteacher

Mrs N Bate, Deputy Head

Miss E Kirkby, Inclusion Manager

Mr M Hazelton, Chair of the Governing Body

Type of question or concern

Person to contact

Means of communication

Pastoral (e.g. friendship, mild illness)

Class teacher

By telephone before 8.30am, verbally at the end of school or phone to make an appointment

Homework/reading books

Class teacher

By telephone before 8.30am, verbally at the end of school or phone to make an appointment

Classroom incident or playground

Class teacher

By telephone before 8.30am, verbally at the end of school or phone to make an appointment

Change to the daily routine, e.g. a different adult will collect

Class teacher or Team Leader

In person in the morning or by phone during the day

Academic Progress

Class teacher

Make an appointment via the office for the end of the day

Advice and support about Special Educational Needs

Inclusion Manager

Make an appointment in person or by telephone/email

Confidential (e.g. change in home life, a serious medical issue or a formal complaint)

Headteacher or Deputy Head

Make an appointment in person or by telephone/email

Quality of teaching and learning

Headteacher or Deputy Head

Make an appointment in person or by telephone/email

Trips, clubs, lunches or to request extra copies of letters.

School Office

Please contact the school office by telephone/email or in person.

Illness or emergency absence from school

School Office

By telephone before 9am on first day of absence or via the Parentmail app

Planned absence from school


Holidays are not normally authorised however we have an absence request form available from either school office should a request need to be made for any reason.

General Notes

  1. Medication should always be brought directly to the office and handed to a member of staff. Please ensure that the medical form has been completed.

  2. Mornings in the playground are great for greetings but not for ‘concerns’. Please follow the guidelines above.

  3. Teaching Assistants are available at the beginning and end of the school day to pass messages on to the class teacher. Teaching Assistants should not be contacted directly by parents. The Class teacher should be your first point of contact. In the absence of the Class Teacher please contact the Team Leader.

  4. Before school starts, the phone is not always heard from the classrooms. However, the school answer machine is always on. Please leave a message and someone will call you back asap.

  5. If you need to contact the school during the holidays, urgent matters should be emailed to the Junior or Infant Office. Less urgent messages can be left on the school answer machine, which is listened to regularly in school hours and weekly during school holidays.


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