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Severe Weather Procedure

In the event of severe weather, we will endeavour to keep the school open and in this case we will have a range of procedures in place.

Please see the document below for details of where the children should enter the school building and where they should be collected from if the playground is off limits.

In the event of the school having to be closed, the following procedure will take place:-

- You will be notified by text/facebook/reach more parents' email.

- The school website homepage will be updated

- A bulletin will be included on BBC Berkshire

- The West Berkshire website will also be updated under 'Our Services' click on 'Schools'

- The school telephone will have a special recorded message informing you if the school are closed.

- Work will be set for children to complete during any prolonged school closure and this can be accessed via the 'Our Learning' section on our website.



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